2023: ‘Fight dirty comment’: I was misunderstood – Tinubu

Bola Tinubu, an All Progressives Congress, APC, Presidential aspirant, has reacted to reports of him saying he is ready to get dirty to fulfill his ambition of becoming Nigeria’s President in 2023. Tinubu insisted that he never said he would fight dirty to achieve his presidential ambition, adding that the remark was misunderstood. While speaking... Continue Reading →

Discipleship Series; 22 February, 2022 

Discipleship Series; 22 February, 2022  1 Corinthians 10:11, Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Because we are not sufficient all by ourselves as we seek to get, gain, retain and maintain God’s blessing and bringing His... Continue Reading →

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