Discipleship Series; 28 February, 2022 

Discipleship Series; 28 February, 2022 

Mark 3:14 – 15, Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons.

Still on reminder of how we got to where we currently are in this series.

As was pointed out and highlighted as we studied, examined and discussed the first of the three (3) categories of work we have and need to do, which is; “Do you need to get more education and training?”

There are things we need to learn, unlearn and re-learn if we truly want and need to succeed and excel in our chosen fields of endeavours and careers, and in life generally – it is a must do.

As we examined this point, I gave an illustration of an outdated craftsman, who used to be the best in his days, but because of the advancement and breakthrough in his field and career, and him not updating himself – he became obsolete, irrelevant and inconsequential, which in turn affected him in every aspect.

The Apostle Peter said these very instructive and powerful words that we need to always remember; 2 Peter 1:5, But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge.

In other words; prayer or/and spiritual activities alone will not suffice!

After this, we turned our attention to the second category of work we have and need to do. Through the second of the identified categories of work we have and need to do, we have established the fact that we really and need to build buoyant and thriving relationships with certain people, sometimes with different people and at different stages of our lives for different purposes.

PRAYER: Oh God! Teach and help me build vibrant and thriving Godly relationships, in the name of Jesus Christ.

You can subscribe to this devotional via Telegram channel at, https://t.me/discipleship_series, or by following my blog, https://delateur.wordpress.com/category/religion/

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