Discipleship Series; 01 January 2024 

Discipleship Series; 01 January 2024 

DECLARATION: Everyone God has used to bless me is blessed, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Psalm 90:12; So, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Happy New Year to you and all yours, my dear reader, and I pray that the New Year will deliver its best and strength unto you and your family, in the name of Jesus Christ.

While a much younger Christian, we used to describe believers these ways:

  1. “Six-thirty Christians”, when both arms of the clock face down. We say of such Christian, “They are earthly conscious but heavenly useless.”
  2. “Twelve O’clock Christians”, when both arms of the clock are facing upwards, of these people, we say, “They are so heavenly conscious that they are earthy useless.”
  3. Six O’clock Christians, when one arm of the clock faces up and the other is facing down. These are the balanced Christians, who are useful to both God and man – heavenly conscious and useful here on the earth.

We have spent the last day of the 2023 reflecting on God, His blessings, and benefits, and thanking Him. But did God personally come down to do those things for you? I do not think so, but He sent, did and achieved them through one person or the other.

This first day of 2024, think of those people God used to bless you, and reach out to them to thank them, and not God alone – God did what He did through those people, show them some appreciation, too.

That is our assignment and task for today, and in the next edition, we would look at what to do to make the new year a pleasant one for ourselves, at least from our own end.

I thank you my readers who have made it possible for me to continue writing this devotional since June 2006, because without you, there would have been no need to write – thank you.

PRAYER: Oh God! I am grateful for everyone through whom You have blessed me. Bless them abundantly in this new year, all the days of their lives and in all they do, in the name of Jesus Christ.

You can subscribe to this devotional via Telegram channel at, https://t.me/discipleship_series, or by following my blog, https://delateur.wordpress.com/category/religion/

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