Discipleship Series; 27 June 2024 

Discipleship Series; 27 June 2024 

DECLARATION: Our men and boys are who You designed them to be, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 Timothy 3:4 – 5; He must manage his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity [keeping them respectful and well-behaved] (for if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?).

The man who could have trained the boy (and other children in the home) had been forced to leave his duty post or at least hindered from performing his duties and is unable to enforce discipline in his home, with the aid and assistance of the constitution and societal pressure due to the abandonment of the original cultural and traditional practices as a result of globalisation, civilisation, modernisation, and westernisation.

So, because the real man is and has become an endangered species, there is an abundance of boys (and men) who are in touch with their feelings, and emotions, and governed by the same. Nowadays, the boys do not want to marry, and when they do – they run away at the slightest provocation, opposition, or challenge that may arise in the home, which will ultimately adversely affect the family or home – they seek their interests first and foremost over those they have been assigned to watch over.

1 Corinthians 11:2; Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.

You hear them (the males) talking like the females – “my mental health, my space, my peace of mind, my this, and my that.” For any of these attitudes and behaviours, who do we blame and hold accountable, when they have been raised to be in touch with their female counterparts to be in touch with their feelings and emotions, something God did not ordain for the man – the traditional male?

Ecclesiastes 7:29; Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.

PRAYER: Oh God! Help and make our boys and men real men indeed, in the name of Jesus Christ.

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